Symptom annotation made simple

SAMS is a database and phenotyping tool for precision medicine. Physicians can enter clinical signs from the Human Phenotype Ontology as well as complete diagnoses, and patients can be involved by sharing the symptoms they encounter.
Phenotypic data can be imported, exported and shared as Phenopackets.

SAMS is focused on – but not limited to – rare diseases. It was developed at the Charité and Berlin Institute of Health.


Register new user

Register as

Reset form
Imprint / data protection

Integrate SAMS as an iframe

The SAMS search interface can be readily integrated into hospital information systems as an HTML5 iframe and will return a Phenopacket. No data is stored on our server. Simply include the following code:

<iframe src=""
  style="position: fixed; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; width: 100%; border: none;
    margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; z-index: 999999; height: 100%;">

See an example implementation on this page. The style parametes can be adjusted to fit your needs.

Programmatic access to SAMS

Linking to SAMS from external systems

Please note that you have to be logged into SAMS in your browser to access your patient data.
In the examples below, replace myPatID, the patient ID (parameter: external_id), with the pseudonomised ID you have given to your patient.

Record and edit a visit

Link to the interface for recording a visit for a specific patient. You may also provide the visit date and details about the patient.
If a patient with the given external ID does not yet exist, it will be created.
If a visit for the given date already exists, you may edit this visit.

Call entry.cgi with mode=visit and your chosen parameters for external_id, sex, consanguinity and visit_date.


Example link:

Show patient overview

Link to the overview of all previous visits of a specific patient.

Call entry.cgi with mode=show and your external_id.

Example link:

Export patient record as Phenopacket

Export all recorded visits of a specific patient as a GA4GH Phenopacket in JSON format.

Call export_phenopacket.cgi with your external_id.

Example link:

Integrating SAMS into your sytems

If you are interested in syncing the SAMS patient management functionality with a local patient management system, please contact us at dominik.seelow (at), janina.schoenberger (at) or robin.steinhaus (at)

If you registered an email address: No worries. Enter you email address on the right and if an account is registered by that email, a new password will be mailed to you.
